City of London School for Girls

City of London School for Girls is an independent day school for pupils aged 11-18 situated in the heart of the Barbican. Opened in 1894, the school provides an outstanding education for able students from all backgrounds, cultures and faiths. We capitalise on our location to attract students from all over Greater London and beyond, and give them access to every learning opportunity our capital has to offer. At City we aim to provide an intellectually exciting and rigorous learning environment, where students are constantly encouraged to interrogate their knowledge and understanding, to take risks and to experiment.
Academic yet unstuffy, modern yet acutely aware of its history, diverse yet with a strong sense of identity, our school defies easy categorisation. This is best demonstrated by our unique geography, nestled between the brutalist Barbican and looming Roman walls. Ours is an intellectually edgy, unassuming and unpretentious environment, unshackled by tradition, and imbued with relaxed excellence. This is a refreshing and modern place in which to learn. City is committed to enabling access to the school for those for whom its education will be most transformational and we currently have more than 100 pupils at City receiving bursary support. . A bursary is a financial support package for pupils who would not ordinarily be able to afford fees. In addition, to support with school fees, a pupil in receipt of a full bursary will also receive support for curriculum-based compulsory school trips, travel to school on public transport, uniform and exam entry fees.
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